Tuesday, December 4, 2012


When I went to the last Story Circle Network conference, there was a book in the goodie bag I received with that title -- Don't Make Me Go Into Town -- written by a female rancher from the olden days. I thought of it last weekend when John and I were wanting to take a walk. I had intended to go back to the Emily Ann Theater. I figured we could combine getting a little exercise with seeing all the displays that had been set up for their annual trail of lights. However, when John reminded me that it was a Wimberley Market Days weekend, I immediately said "Ugh, forget that idea!" Unless you are a die-hard junker, you really don't want to go into town on Market Day Saturdays.

I was stymied at first, but then suddenly remembered St. Stephens Episcopal church, which is just about five minutes down the road from us, heading away from town.

I had read somewhere, a good while back, that there is a nature trail behind the church, and figured that Saturday was as good a day as any to finally go and check it out.

They even had a labyrinth for us to walk!

Not to mention a gorgeous grotto. I love grottos!

Isn't it amazing, the things you can find, if you get up off the sofa and go looking?

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