But then, one day in late winter, we came out to find the berm covered in green! Was it weeds, or could some of the wildflowers have taken root? Only time would tell.
Finally, I discovered a few spots with the distinctive bluebonnet foliage, but the rest looked pretty weedy. Then, just a few days ago, I came home in late afternoon and discovered this:
SQUEEE! I almost wet my pants. I was that excited.
Next morning I headed down the driveway bright and early, to check for new blooms. Instead I found that every last one of them had their heads chomped off!
I'm sure my mama was turning in her grave, over what I had to say about those stinkin' deer!
Well, guess I'd better start packing. It's almost time to head to Austin for Wedding Round #3. Please send good vibes our way, hoping for stormless weather tomorrow evening. Catcha on the flipside!