Just a few days ago, I think I told you that the best thing about having this blog is all the great photos I've got now - reminders of my good life. Well, I've since decided that the best thing about having both a blog
and facebook, is the unbelievable connections they bring about. Wait. Make that "having a blog, facebook, and Mimas." Mustn't leave Mima's out of this story - all roads lead to Mima's!
Not long ago an old friend, whom I hadn't seen since high school, found me on facebook. There she saw a link to my blog, followed it over, and was astounded by what I had written. This Lovely Lady then left a comment that read "You like Mima's? I love Mima's too!" You see, though she and her hubby have been in New Jersey for seven years, they have "connections" in Wimberley. That connection happens to be the ever-interesting lady pictured here with her new grandbaby. You might remember her from my previous tale of embarrassment, upon discovering that she was even more of a Mother Earth than me, and not at all the California Blonde I had assumed her to be back in high school. Thanks to Not-a-Blonde, Lovely Lady & Hubby now own a home right here in Wimberley, which they hope to retire to someday...so they can eat at Mima's any time they wish.
LL&H are actually here in Wimberley this week, doing some work on that house. So, we three girls decided to have a meet up at, you guessed it, Mima's! When we got there, we walked right past LL's husband, without even realizing it. He'd been waiting for us to show up, just so he could meet me and say hi. He refused our invitation to join us for lunch, but agreed to sit down and chat for "just a moment." Two hours later, we finally paused for breath. I was only sorry that John wasn't there to join in the fun.
You see, I can tell already that our two hubbies will get along just fine. John has had several great friends through the years, and they all seem to fit a certain profile. They have different hobbies and interests, and completely different backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common - they are storytellers. I think that would be a very apt description of LL's hubby. If you recall, I once asked our friend Tim (a storyteller extaordinaire) how he and John became best buds back in Bahrain, when they have so little in common. His reply? "Well, you see, I like to talk. John likes to listen. You might say we're a match made in heaven." I just hope LL&H don't put off retiring too long. I see fun times ahead for us all!
P.S. When I got home, I found out that John had lunch at Mima's too, and probably walked out the door only seconds before we arrived. In fact, he and LL's hubby were probably there at the same time, if only they'd known it!