The theater where we saw
Beautiful was Bass Hall, on the UT campus. On our way there from the parking lot, we came across this...
and what looked like a "tiny house", right next to it. We were doing our best to peek through the windows when the owner/designer happened to show up and kindly offered to give us a tour which, of course, was rather short, but impressive.
I'm guessing he's an architecture student who won some kind of design competition. He said he would be living in it there on campus for the duration of the exhibition, then moving it to a permanent location. Pretty cool, I must say.
Later, when we came out into the lobby during our show's intermission, we noticed a crowd was gathering around a big picture window at the end of the hall, and the glass seemed to be vibrating from the deep bass of nearby speakers. When we finally squeezed through the crowd to check what was going on, we saw a field full of people who all seemed to be dressed in shades of pink and orange. In fact, there seemed to be clouds of pinkish-orange smoke floating in the air above them. What the...??!! When the musical was over, the windows where still thumping and the crowds were still there, so we decided to wander over and check it out. We arrived to find a horde of UT students, doing it "Gangnam-Style"!

Turns out, we had happened upon a Holi celebration that was being hosted by one of the student organizations. Holi, celebrated by Indians and Hindus worldwide, is held to welcome the arrival of spring with singing, dancing and lots of color. They toss "rang" (little packets of color) at one another to symbolically eliminate the differences that drive us apart. I just love that, don't you?
Passersby found the celebration to be irresistible.
Well, except for the few who take great pride in their ensembles (Tim) and just can't bear to have them ruined (Tim), even temporarily. But I won't name any names (Tim).
We had lots of fun and lots of great food packed into our little 24 hour getaway, but the unanimous "Moaner of the Week" was found behind these doors.
Take a gander at this Carrot Cake French Toast with Cream Cheese Pecan Syrup. Oh My!
We each had 1/2 orders of Migas or Huevos Rancheros for brunch, then shared one order of the french toast among us for dessert. Just the right amount!
So, let's hear it for another great Lanford adventure, doin' our best to Keep Austin Weird!