Saturday, October 9, 2010


It all started at a souk in Bahrain. When we lived there as young marrieds, John and I would wander the market stalls on the weekend, just for entertainment. One day I came across a shop that had a bunch of giant mason jars with clamp lids, in pristine condition. I decided they'd

be the perfect thing for keeping bugs out of my rice and flour. To me, they epitomized the marriage of beauty and practicality.

Later, when my grandmother passed, I was shocked that no one else wanted her cute little square, tempered glass, refrigerator storage containers, that were just right for storing leftovers in. You could even microwave in them! Why would anyone prefer Tupperware to these?

And so it went over the years, with me picking up one piece of vintage glassware here, and another there, from various relatives who were eager to replace them with shiny new plastic. No one, least of all me, had any clue that one day the tables would turn, and we'd discover that storing and heating our food in all that plastic was making us sick.

Isn't it fortunate then, that I just happen to have cabinets full of vintage beauties, ready and waiting to step up to the bat?

Friday, October 8, 2010


You wouldn't believe the traffic where I live. No, seriously. You would not believe it! Take Wednesday, for example. As usual, I spent way too much time on the computer that morning, so I was scurrying to get into town to do my workout and some laundry. I had just reached the low water crossing leading out of our neighborhood, the one that is still half-blocked due to flood damage, when I realized that a turtle was trying to cross it. Since there wasn't room for me to go around him, I had no choice but to sit and wait. Do you have any idea how long it takes a turtle to cross the road?

When I returned a couple of hours later, the crossing was clear, but I had to slam on the breaks when I reached the bottom of my uber-long, uber-steep, ziggy-zaggy driveway, for a squirrel was in the way. Did he run off into the grass when he realized a big ol' monster was right on his tail? No, he just scampered a few feet further up the driveway, then stopped. So, I had to ease off the brakes and roll right up to his butt. Did he get the message this time? No, he did not. He moved a few feet further up the driveway, and stopped. Again. And thus it continued, all the way up the world's longest friggin' driveway!

Still, I guess this beats my former commute down I-10 in Houston all to pieces, huh? At least these tears are tears of laughter!

P.S. Many thanks to for the image above.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I ran into a friend last Friday, and she asked what I was up to. "Oh, just ran into town to do my workout and grab a taco. John will be here shortly. We've both been busy trying to figure out what to do with all the stuff in the townhouse. He's letting it go come Christmas, you know." Grinning, she asked "Sooo, what are you going to do when he's here all the time? That'll be quite a change for you, won't it?" "Well, my plan is to continue in the manner to which I have become accustomed. We'll see how that goes!"

Later, I told Lex and John about this conversation, and added "What she probably meant was, is John going to approve of how often you go to Mima's?" "I guess she doesn't realize that Dad would be moooore than happy to hop in the car and go with you!", Lex responded. "Mebbe," said John, with a little smirk. "Mebbe not." Huh? "Well, how do you know I won't be off having adventures?" That boy. He's a corker, isn't he? I told him, "I hope you will be, Squeedunk. With all my heart, I hope you will be!"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Why is it that the best thing about fall - finally having nice enough breezes and cool enough temps to shut off the AC and throw open the windows - has to coincide with the worst thing about fall - ragweed season?

I woke up with a doozy of a sinus headache yesterday, that just got worse as the day progressed. I wasn't sure I could make it through my Zumba class without spewing the breakfast taco I had shared with the Muses that morning, so I broke down and took my last ditch remedy, two Advil liquigels washed down with a caffein-laden soda. I know! I know! Not very Mother Earth of me, but at least it did the trick and I made it to Zumba. Then I shut all the windows as an extra precaution.

Guess I musta shut myself inside with a whole bunch of pollen, cuz around 2:30 this morning I was suddenly jolted awake by someone trying to split my skull in two with an axe! Crap. Here we go again...

P.S. Many thanks to for the image above.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


At The Bountiful Sprout board meeting Sunday, we were all bemoaning the fact that we have so few fruit and veggie suppliers on our roster. The ones we do have are great, but just can't keep up with the demand. Our problem is that the ones who could supply the quantities we need, like Montessino and Onion Creek, don't want to mess with anyone who won't guarantee a certain amount of sales each period, and we just can't do that. Our members order whatever they want to order. So, the farmers think, why bother with Bountiful Sprout when people like Farm House Delivery and Central Market are hammering at our door saying "Hey guys, we'll take everything you can grow, guaranteed!"?

Well, I personally can think of a couple of good reasons. One, if you buy and sell locally, you support the local economy - the one in which you live. Second, when selling to national chains like Central Market, the farmer gets to keep around 7-15% of what his produce actually sells for. The rest goes to middlemen. With Bountiful Sprout, ninety two percent of the selling price, which the farmer sets himself, goes to the farmer! Why? Because Bountiful Sprout is run by volunteers, who don't make a penny off of this. We do it because we believe in the need to re-create a local food economy.

Fortunately, in the midst of our despair, one board member spoke up. "You knoooow, since our goal was to create a local food system, maybe we should stop focussing on farmers who are already doing well, and focus more on creating new farmers. Maybe we should encourage our regular members, many of whom have a little veggie patch or some chickens or a few fruit trees or an herb garden, to sell their inevitable excesses through The Bountiful Sprout. If that works well for them this season, they might just plant some extra on purpose next season. Then, who knows where that might lead?" Brilliant!

Thus, it has been enacted: Got a fig tree that is knocking itself out this year? Some prolific plums or pomegranates? Zillions of zucchini or bountiful basil? If so, and you just happen to be one of our member families (only $40 per year to be one - compare that to what they charge per month to rent a booth at a farmer's market) all you have to do is call up our manager Cindy, and she will list it on our website for you. Who knows? We just might make a farmer out of you yet!

P.S. To learn more about TBS, click on the logo in my sidebar.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


So much of our mythology around creativity portrays the artist as a loner. The truth is far more colorful. Instead of being a solo act, the artist's life involves many. It could be said that "it takes a village." Meeting my "village" will help the reader to identify his own. ~ Julia Cameron, The Creative Life: True Tales of Inspiration

Go here to see my review of this book, for Story Circle Book Reviews.