I just can't believe it. My baby girl is getting married in less than a month. We've made it to the final stretch! Know what I love? My refrigerator door -- with its collection of out-of-the-ordinary invations. Up this weekend? The bridesmaid luncheon, hosted by my BFF Paula!
Paula and her hubby "Toad" come in tomorrow, and plans are to try a new Texas Tapas joint over in Kyle called Dark Horse. On Sunday Paula and I will head up to Chez Zee in Austin -- that fun place Hubby took me to for Mother's Day -- and the boys will head off in search of more manly food.
Sometime in the next couple of weeks there will be a luncheon shower hosted by her co-workers, and before you can blink an eye, it will be time for this...
and this!
Where did the time go? Wasn't it just a few weeks ago when we were first trying on these?
Wow. Time truly does fly!