So what, you wondered, have my knitting needles been up to these past few months? Tea cozies! There are several people I owe a huge debt of gratitude to, for I have never had such a relaxing, rewarding holiday season - and it's all thanks to those babies pictured above, and several more just like 'em.
A year and a half ago, I had never picked up a knitting needle, nor did I have any desire to! Then, in my blog wanderings, I stumbled upon Eyes of Wonder, and found this cozy, made for Jewels by a blog friend in Tazmania, named Jenny. I remember thinking that it was so darn cute, it almost made me wish I could knit. Not long after that, my sister-in-law and her daughter-in-law were here for Thanksgiving, and they were both working on baby hats while we sat and visited - one knitting, the other crocheting. I told them I was kind of jealous, not having anything to work on myself, 'cause it seemed like they were having more fun than me. Before I knew what hit me, Jessica had me knitting and pearling! Turns out it's not all that difficult. The hard part came the minute she left, when I ran into my first problem - and had absolutely no clue how to fix it or get around it. "Well," I thought, "that's the end of that!"
But then Lexie came home for Christmas, re-taught me, and stuck around long enough to see me through the completion of my first scarf. By then I was pretty well hooked. A few months later, I stumbled upon a blog called Little Jenny Wren, and whilst browsing through her photos of all the precious Waldorf-style dolls she creates, and the darling wee outfits she hand-knits for them, it suddenly hit me. "I think this is the same Jenny who made that adorable tea cozy for Jewels! I wonder if she'd share the pattern with me?"
I left her a note, and the next thing I knew, I was up to my eyeballs in cozies, and having the best holiday season of my life. So thank you Jess and Lex, for being such kind, patient teachers, and thank you Jewels and Jenny, for being the wonderfully generous, sharing, creative, inspiring bloggers that you are!
Next, (as soon as I nab some good photos of them) I'll be sharing with you some of the amazing hand-made gifts I was on the receiving end of this year. Then, it's your turn - I want to see what you got, or gave, that was handmade. I need ideas for next year! You can email your photos, along with a brief explanation, to me at: becky.lane(at)vownet(dot)net