Pretty much every important life lesson I have learned came, not from my parents or teachers, but rather from books. Not from the books I had to read at school, but from the ones I chose to read on my own. And, if I had to choose the one author who taught me the most, if would surely be Barbara Kingsolver, my very own Aristotle. From politics and parenting to religion, natural science, history, and the production and consumption of food, she's pretty much covered it all. Most importantly, she taught me these lessons, not by saying "you
must do this" or "you
can't do that", but simply by drawing me into a really good story, sharing many different points of view, then letting
me decide what made sense, and what didn't.
With her latest blockbuster,
Unsheltered, she knocks it out of the park yet again, and in a most timely manner. She forces one to ask some very hard questions of oneself, such as, what do you do when the world you were born into -- the one they promised would only get better and better, and which you felt
entitled to -- turns into something you no longer even recognize? What if you did everything
right, just as you were supposed to, but life still turned out
wrong? How will you handle it? Will you hide in your little bubble, pretending nothing has changed, or will you figure out how to adapt, and get to it? Is life really about the survival of the fittest?
Thank you, Ms. Kingsolver, for always forcing me to think the hard thoughts, and to become a better person for it.