Thursday, September 8, 2016


There's nothing we like better than having one of the kiddos call and say "We've found a new place you've got to try! Wanna meet for dinner?" Which is how we ended up at Sawyer & Co. this holiday weekend.

They had me the minute I stepped through the door and found this!

But, it was the side courtyard that clinched the deal.

Oh, and there was this, in the ladies' bathroom.

Their specialties are seafood and Cajun...

Shrimp 'n Grits
Fried Shrimp, Red Beans & Rice, and a Seared Tuna Poorboy
but there are other things on the menu as well, including the best fried pickle chips I've had since being introduced to my very first ones at Big Bee Burger in Odessa, Texas, some forty-odd years ago.

She thinks he's sooooo cute. Newlyweds!

Speaking of cute, check out this cutie pitootie.

Many thanks to Lex and Nate for introducing us to another super-fun hangout.

He's learned to be suspicious whenever my camera comes out.
Next time you're in E. Austin, you might want to check it out. You'll have a good time, I guar-on-tee!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


I do love my wee little bedroodio -- the artsy space I created in the corner of my bedroom. It's the perfect spot for working in my little art journals, with everything I need within arm's reach. It does, however, have its limits. For instance, it would not be a great place to set up a paper-painting assembly line. And, if I ever wanted to put into practice all the things I learned in my last art workshop, I knew I'd have to take drastic measures. So, this past Saturday I grabbed my old shower curtain liner, commandeered the dining room table, and did this:

I was so proud of myself for managing to fit everything I needed on the table, and still leave a little space at one end where Hubby can eat his breakfast. A short while later it hit me. Just where was I planning to lay out all those freshly painted papers while they dry? Doh! Sorry Hubs.

The crumpled pieces above are the baby wipes I use to clean my gelli plate and brayers - too pretty to toss!
Apart from that, it's working out quite nicely, and I plan to leave it up at least a week or two -- until it's time to clean up for the cleaning lady!

Monday, September 5, 2016



This is what gets me high.

Color-madness, in all its many forms. I'm about to spend a week or two just wallowing in it. More on that tomorrow.

So, what sends shivers up your spine?