Friday, November 9, 2012


We see tons of deer wandering across our property on a daily basis, but one thing you almost never see is an adult male. Oh, once in a while we might spot a teenager with his first little antlers, but a mature buck with a full rack? Never! So imagine my surprise this morning, when one moseyed across our front lawn, surrounded by his harem.

Even more startling was the day last week when I was sitting on the porch at Inoz', enjoying my lunch, when out of the woods down by the creek came, not one, but two of them. I didn't even attempt to pull out my camera at first, thinking they'd do a quick skee-daddle as soon as they realized they'd accidentally wandered out in the center of town, and were surrounded by gawkers.  At noon. In broad daylight. However, when they were still there five or ten minutes later, I finally pulled out my camera, walked out to the deck rail, and snapped these shots. There's only one explanation for their odd behavior.

It's gotta be "Rutting Season." Drivers beware!

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