Well, quiet time is over. I've got the Muses coming over this morning for a sweet potato gnocchi-making party. It's gonna be interesting, since none of has ever made them before! Austin, John and Guinness are coming in this evening, and who knows? If we are having enough fun, and the gnocchi turns out OK, the Muses may still be here when they arrive!
We pick Lex up at the Austin airport tomorrow afternoon, then on Saturday morning we will all head over to Fredericksburg (all except for Guinness, that is) for a big German wedding. Beth Reeh, the daughter of dear Mobil Oil friends whom we have lived with in Kingsville, Houston, Midland and Indonesia, is gettin' hitched! Hopefully, some of our other old pals will be there too, so it will be a reunion of sorts. Should be a fun-filled weekend!
Know what the best part is? When I take Lex back to the airport Monday afternoon, I won't have to get all sad and mopey about not seeing her again for another six months or so. John is flying out to Cali-fornee October 29th, loading the little bit of stuff that she hasn't sold off into a U-haul truck, hitching her little red jellybean car to the back of it, and she's a-comin' back to Texas fer good! Or, at least until some guy comes along, sweeps her off her feet, and carries her off to live in the jungles of Indonesia, or some such foolish thing.
Know what the second best part of the weekend will be? Finally getting my dang computer fixed, so this blog can have pictures again! Pictures of gnocchi-making parties, big German weddings, and quaint little towns like Fredericksburg!
P.S. Many thanks to library.ndsu.edu for the above image.
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