Monday, July 7, 2014


Well, despite 2nd degree burns on his hand, a couple of trips to the emergency clinic, and a near miss at burning our house down, my hubby declared it to have been an EPIC weekend. He's a funny boy, that hubby of mine.

Fortunately, not all of the weekend was quite so "interesting." There was a good bit of this...

and this...

Poor Areej, who is in grad school at U of H, had a big stack of papers to grade over the weekend.
and a whole bunch of this, which lasted into the wee hours of the morn, and got pret-ty interesting at times!

And, of course, there was the parade, which no one remembered to take any photos of. And food! Lots and lots of food.

Working up an appetite at Salt Lick Barbecue
Is there anything more refreshing than that made-on-the-spot lemonade at The Salt Lick?
And, perhaps, a beer or two.

Sampling the raspberry beer at Jester King Brewery.
OK, now that I think about it, I guess it was a fairly epic weekend!

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