In one of the Simple Abundance essays for July, Ban Breathnach talks about one of the our best known food writers, M.F.K. Fisher, author of How to Cook a Wolf. She says, "Although she was well-known...she was never really well-paid and continually had to scratch out a free-lancer's hand-to-mouth lifestyle to help support herself, two daughters, and, at various times, three husbands. I say 'lifestyle', rather than 'existence,' because M.F.K. Fisher knew how to live well despite her bank account. She never reduced herself to mere existing, whatever her circumstances...
she never lacked a simply abundant life. Perhaps she enjoyed the good life because she received it with a grateful heart... M.F.K. Fisher's authentic self found outward expression in exuberance... she recommends weeding out desires, leaving only the holy hungers... concentrating on the good at hand -- a good glass of wine, a good tomato, a good loaf of bread."
"A beautiful sunset, a lively conversation, a loving relationship. She knew that the good life does not depend on extravagant indulgences. The good life does not deprive. It exults."
Taken from Simple Abundance, by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Hi! How fun is "Simple Abundance"! I loved it the first time and like you have picked up and enjoyed the messages and inspiration again! I think it will always be a favorite?
LaNell, I kept my original copy and read it a couple of times, then not long ago I found a copy at Goodwill, and brought it home to use as an art journal. Of course, I ended up reading it again as I went through the pages deciding which ones would make good underlayers for journal pages, and which ones to tear out to make it less bulky. Guess how many pages I have torn out so far? Zero! I just can't do it!
That was a good idea. I think I would also have difficult y tearing out pages. Maybe there will come a day!
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