Friday, May 25, 2012


Ya know how my hubby and I both came away from seeing Hair feeling a wee bit sad and depressed? How it had us both asking "what the heck went wrong?" How it had us wondering, whatever happened to teaching the world to sing "in perfect harmony"?
Image from
Well, it got me to thinkin' -- about that ever-recurring topic of balance. About how the pendulum always seems to swing from one extreme to the other, with nary a pause in between. Seems like we went from having a world populated by little automatons with no minds of their own, willing to obey any "authority figure" without question -- whether it be the government, the church, a doctor, a teacher or even an elder, always doing whatever we were told to do, like good little children -- to having one filled with individualists, raised to believe they are the centers of the universe,  to believe "it's all about me", what I want, what I deserve, what I'm entitled to. Give me more, more, MORE!

Why can't we settle somewhere in the middle? Why can't there be a world where we are allowed to speak our minds, and to question the status quo, but where we are also cognizant of having a duty to work for the greater good -- where we are always aware of the big picture, not merely focusing on the me picture?

Just wonderin'.
Image from world.gif

1 comment:

Nellie said...

and let me add one more "wonder"; why we can't all have our own opinions and ideas without attacking those who have differing opinions and ideas; reason I absolutely hate politics!