Thursday, April 7, 2011


Our New Lawn Decor
I suppose we're making some progress here, with regards to the merging of our two households.

The garage doesn't have near as much stuff piled in it now, but I'm not certain whether that's due more to John's diligent unpacking...

... or if, thanks to those killer winds that came through this week, it's because half of it is now strewn about our property!
 There have been many, many trips made to donate stuff to the thrift stores,  but I'm still miles away from being able to park my car in the garage, or use my dining room for actual dining...

...and then, of course, we've got that two week vacation coming up...and the bathroom remodeling project...and a new kitchen floor to be installed...and, well, one of these days, things are sure to settle down.  Right?


Sharon Lovejoy said...

NEVER a dull moment...right?

Good luck!

Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

Hill Country Hippie said...

Well, it's certainly better than having nothing to do, or anything to look forward to. However, it can make it a little difficult to focus on things like, oh, say, writing!

Jessica said...

Just put G and I to work, earning our keep! I hope our trip out doesn't add extra pressure. You know we are low-key.

Hill Country Hippie said...

Not at all Jess! This perpetual unpacking actually gives me a great excuse for my perpetual messiness, so I plan to milk it for all it's worth - and I can't wait for you guys to get here. You're not guests, you're family!