Wednesday, March 16, 2011

ONE THING I LOVE... glancing up from my computer to see a vivid splash of cardinal red or brightest blue, sillouetted against the green hills beyond.


Linda Hoye said...

I love it! One thing I love is looking out my back window and seeing a blue jay at my bird feeder. I had never seen blue jays until we moved here. They're beautiful!

Hill Country Hippie said...

Clarice: Thanks! I am often inspired by your photos as well.

Linda: It was two blue jays, spotted in that same tree this morning, that inspired this post. Didn't get to my camera in time, so used the cardinal picture I took a day or two ago.

PLane said...

Beautiful cardinal--in a few weeks when the trees are leafed out, you probably couldn't have gotten a good picture of him.

But cardinals are among the stupidest birds. We had two nesting outside a reflective window at the hospital who would "attack" their reflections in that window all day long! It's when I first appreciated the term "bird-brain" :-)

Hill Country Hippie said...

Maybe they were just trying to get your attention. Dad had one (named Red, of course!) that would come tap on the patio doors when the bird feeders were empty. If he didn't spot Dad in there, he'd fly around to the kitchen window to see if Dad was at the sink, and he'd keep tapping until Dad gave up and went to fill the feeders. We thought he was pretty darn smart!

PLane said...

Okay--maybe it's just Ohio cardinals that are bird-brains. I'm pretty sure the birds at the hospital were fighting their reflections in the window thinking other birds were invading their territory.