Woe for the tragedy that is wasted time -- time spent believing I hated beets, when what I really hated was the canned facsimile that is sold in grocery stores. Thanks to the wisdom that sometimes comes with age and experience (such as having discovered the difference between fresh asparagus and canned) I thought perhaps it was time to give fresh beets a try.
First, though, I decided to consult the experts. I posted my intentions on facebook, and asked for tried and true recipes from my beet-loving friends. Then I ordered fresh, locally grown, organic beets from The Bountiful Sprout. Oh, and I bought some goat cheese. Mustn't forget the goat cheese!
Tonight was the night. First I followed Susan T.'s suggestion for roasting the beets: "Cut top and roots back to 1/2", then halve or quarter, depending on size. Place in a baking pan with 1/2" water, 2 T. olive oil, sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Cover tightly and bake 45-60 minutes at 350 F. Let cool slightly, slip skins off, and eat as is."
Only I didn't - eat as is. Instead I sprinkled the still warm beets with just a scooch more olive oil (the really good stuff this time), and then followed friend Nicki's suggestion and topped them with a bit of crumbled goat cheese. Oh my word! Well, all I can say is, better late than never.
MMMM! I have always liked beets cooked almost anyway. I've never tried them with goat cheese though. Sounds delicious!
It was!
Beck - Remember the steak place next to the Oak Lawn movie theater that we went to when we were little? You may have been too little to remember. We sat at a counter on stools like a diner and they brought around a server that had tons of stuff you could add to your salad. They always had cold sliced beets and I thought that was so good - haven't thought about that in ages - Gus
HEATH'S! Of course I remember it! And remember our favorite fried chicken place, called (ta-daa!) BECK'S? Hard to believe a chicken place used to be somewhere nice, with tablecloths, that you got dressed up for!
Congratulations, and welcome to the sorority of beet-eaters. Next try growing golden beets--oh, my! They're the best. ;~)
Will do, Susan!
Oh dear, I feel in a minority here: I still believe I hate beets ... but now I'm willing to give them a try. The only use beets have ever had in my house was to make baby feet & hand prints! I'll try cooking them and actually eating them next time!
Ugly little buggers.
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