I watched a great Hallmark movie this week, about a kid with Tourette's Syndrome who grew up to be an award-winning teacher - the kind he was never fortunate enough to have himself. It got me to thinkin' - about how lucky you are if, at least once in your life, you are touched by a teacher with a true calling. My daughter is one of the fortunate few, for Mr. Jacoby came into her life just when she needed him the most. What a character he was!
We moved to Indonesia when Alexis was just beginning 3rd grade. Prior to that she had just been skimming by under the radar. She was never in trouble at school because she was cute and quiet, and the teachers had their hands full, but she wasn't flourishing either. Actually, she just barely got by.
Once we got to Indonesia, it was a whole new ball of wax. With only 5 or 6 kids in a class, there was no way for Alexis to escape attention, and these teachers had much higher expectations for their students. The first year was a nightmare, with a teacher Alexis referred to as Dragon Lady, and Alexis began to feel as if she might be the dumbest kid in the school. The next year Bruce Jacoby came along, and turned that notion upside down. From that point on, the whole Indonesian experience became one of the most magical times in Alexis' life.
Many times since, Alexis has asked if I knew where the Jacobys were now. Every time she received an honor or excelled at something, she would laugh and say, "Wouldn't Mr. Jacoby faint if he could see me now?" Several times I actually inquired of various friends, whether anyone knew how to contact him. Some thought they had moved from Indonesia to Equitorial Guinea, but they lost track after that. I wish I had tried harder, and kept asking, for there was one family who had kept in touch with them. They are the ones who informed us all recently that this vibrant, energetic young man who was probably only in his early 50's, had suffered a massive heart attack and passed away in E.G.
My daughter was distraught over the news. What she wanted, more than anything, was to be able to say to him, "See Mr. Jacoby? You really did make a difference! If not for you, I might never have discovered what a smart girl I am, and that I can accomplish pretty much anything I set my mind to. Thank you so much. You are the best thing that ever happened to me." Now it's too late.
But not for you! Is there someone out there who has touched your life? Have you told them that they made a difference? Why not?
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