Wednesday, January 1, 2020


My Hubby is a New Year's baby -- first one born in Kermit, Texas in 1950, and therefore recipient of lots of good loot from local merchants. That was probably his last great birthday.

His own mother forgot his first birthday, amidst the aftermath of Christmas. I have never done that, but it does tend to be sort of an afterthought -- an "Oh yeah, I need to come up with something else fast" kind of thing. But not this year! This year I gave it lots of thought, and decided that a 70th birthday deserves seven days-worth of celebration. So, each day he is finding a new birthday card, and possibly a package, at his breakfast table spot, containing clues about what to expect that day. Yesterday was the first day, and it did not go well. That was Choose-Your-Birthday-Treat Day, and out of all the suggestions of things I could bake for him, he opted for one of Wimberley Cafe's yummy apple pies. Easy Peasy! Or so I thought. When I got there they told me they had just sold their last one, but they let me order one for pickup this morning. However, later that afternoon I got a phone message saying "Sorry, not before Thursday." Never mind! Instead, he got one slice of chocolate silk pie with his dinner at Hays City, and the poor guy had to share it with me. Probably for the best though, when you think of all the Christmas treats we've just indulged in.

Day Two, an official "Jammy Day", is starting off much better. He loves his new Rick and Morty PJs, and already has a new TV series picked out for us to binge-watch in our jammies. Who knows? We may even get around to taking down the Christmas tree! Or, we may just take a nice long nap, or read some good books...

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