Miss Alexis invited Hubby and I to meet her at the birthing center yesterday, for her now-weekly-appointment with the midwife, and to take a tour of the facility. To tell you the truth, I was a bit blown away!
All but one of the birthing rooms was actually in use, but the one that we did get to see -- the Austin Music themed room - was absolutely fabulous. Turns out, it's the one Lexi and Nate listed as their top choice.
There's also a big walk-in shower in the restroom, where expectant mothers can sit on a balance ball with warm, soothing water raining down on them.
Love those little packets of smelling salts, taped strategically around the room!
Then there is this lovely waiting area for families, with tea kettle, where John and I will be hanging out.
I even got to hear Goober's strong little heartbeat while I was there! Best of all, the midwife says we are 70% effaced, with everything progressing exactly as it should be for an arrival on or around her due date this Saturday -- and, she'd be very, very shocked if we went more than one week past. Woohoo!
Pretty gorgeous place. We have come along way baby. xox
Yeah,at the hospital where I had my second one I had to fight just to have my baby in the room with me for more than feeding. This place was awesome!
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