My taste in books seems to be running all over the map these days. Just after the holidays I began the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld, and didn't stop until I had finished all four books. I never seem to tire of a good YA dystopian series. This one is about how we "Rusties" just about demolish the earth, and what comes after.
From there I moved on to Habits of the House, by Fay Wheldon. Wheldon helped write the screenplay for the original Upstairs, Downstairs series, and actually spent part of her youth living in one of those British manor houses, as daughter of the housekeeper. If you are a Downton Abbey fan, this would be a great series to read during the off season, when you are jonesing for a fix!
Now I am diving into this book...
Season of Migration To The North, by Tayeb Salih -- the book that was selected by a panel of Arab writers and critics as the most important Arab novel of the twentieth century. It takes place in Sudan, but could just as well be about any country that has been under foreign rule, and now has to figure out how to stand on their own; or about any person who has left home, then returned, only to find that they no longer fit in either place, and are caught in between two worlds. I am rather glad that my library didn't have it, and I was forced to order my own copy from Amazon, for I was only a page or two into the introduction before I was running for my trusty hi-liter, wanting to underline phrases that were resonating with me!
What about you? Read anything good lately?
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