Tuesday, November 25, 2014


A girlfriend and I once traveled to North Carolina in autumn. We were blown away by the brilliant color on one kind of tree which seemed to be in pretty much every single yard. When I asked someone what on earth it was, they looked at me kinda funny, saying "Crape Myrtle. Don't you have that in Texas?" Well, yeah. But ours don't do that! 

It seems I was wrong. Once in a blue moon, if conditions are just right, our crape myrtles will, in fact, erupt in a blaze of glory before dropping their leaves. This year is that year.

Not only for crepe myrtles, but for fall color in general.

Love this cedar elm, which has turned a beautiful celery color, and whose remaining rose-colored seed pods lend it a coral hue.

Down In The Valley

Truly, a fall to remember.

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