I parked behind the Parks & Recreation building at 401 E. Hopkins and made my way down towards the river, to see if there was any kind of path at all that ran along side it. Not a path, no. A River Walk! How did I not know this? There's also a whole lot of habitat conservation going on. I think these two fellows were out there trying to remove some of those invasive species that keep trying to crowd out the natives and clog up the works.
You pass under several streets along the way, and there are some lovely spots to stop and enjoy the view or have a picnic. There are also a couple of playgrounds -- a big wooden castle fortress at one end, and a smaller playground at the other end, by the rec center.
At one point there was a staircase leading up, and I was curious to see where it led.
Turns out, it leads you out into Veramendi Park, where a couple of the oldest homes in San Marcos are located.
Here's a humorous tidbit for you. One of the earliest families to settle here was the Cock family, and there's a plaque under a big ol' pecan tree here, listing the names of every generation of that family. The funny part is that round about 1927, their last name morphed from Cock to Cox. Hmmmm. Wonder why?
Anyhoo, back down at the river walk, there are several bridges that allow you to wander from one side of the river to the other. Loved the view from this bridge, of some fabulous grass-like plants that grow horizontally and dance in unison, following the movement of the water.
Eventually, I came back to where I started.
Now, I ask you, is there anything more fun than discovering something new and exciting about the area where you live, just when you were starting to think you had seen it all?
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