From there we went to check out a new shop in "Drippin'", called Goodie Two Shoes, which friend Nurse Nellie has been raving about. I knew I'd love it before I ever walked through the door.
Lots of color mad stuff inside, most of which is thirty bucks or less.
Best thing about the morning? It got me out of our annual HOA meeting! Unfortunately for poor hubby, without me there to protect him, he wound up being the new president. I feel pretty bad about that.
On the upside, once he was out of his meeting, he got to go over to Austin and hang out with our daughter's hunny Nate at the SXSW volunteer recruitment event. Did any of you see the picture Lex posted on facebook this week, showing Nate in the barber's chair with one long strip of hair missing, down the middle of his head? Turns out he wasn't just being weird. Well, OK, he was, but there was a purpose to it. You see, Nate has been a volunteer at Austin's annual SXSW event for many years now, and for the last several years has headed up a crew. Last year he thought it might be fun if he and his crew stood out from all the rest of the guys and gals wearing solid black. So they all wore brightly colored TUTUS! They weren't sure how it would go over with the boss, but he really liked it -- so much so that he decided to have a contest this year, to see which crew could come up with the best outfits. Which led to this:
So why is Nate convinced that he has found his soul-mate? Well, because Lex didn't just jump on board with the whole "Gru and his Minions" theme. She was the one who squealed "You totally have to shave your head for this!" "Really, you're OK with that?" PLUS, she's the one who found the fart guns for them. A match made in heaven, no?
Sounds like my kind of day....tutu is pretty cute too. xox
Yeah, I'm totally envious of that tutu. In fact, I'm thinking that at Lucky Star Art Camp this year, there really ought to be something involving tutus and/or petticoats! With boots. And cowgirl hats.
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