Wednesday, December 18, 2013


This makes me sad:

And another one's gone, yeah another one's gone. Another one bites the dust!

Why yes, that IS a huge agarita shrub that all the bottles landed in, and will have to be retrieved from.

In case you aren't familiar with those shrubs, they are pricklier 'n all get-out, which makes them a favorite hiding place for snakes. Yes, snakes are in hibernation in most of the country right now, but hey, it's been short-sleeve weather here all week, and I'm not takin' any chances!

Looks like we'll be needing considerably bigger stakes. And more of them!

This, on the other hand, makes me very, very happy each time I drive past:

Wait for it...

wait for it...

Taa-Daaa!  Reminds me of the uber-fun Wild Art class I took from Junelle Jacobsen this summer, where we all went a bit vintage-camper-crazy! It's the little things, y'all.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the bottle tree, but I wouldn't mess with no snakes either. Festive little camper...xox

Teri H said...

We put ours in cement!

Hill Country Hippie said...

I know. We should. Or else just strip one of these cedars and use that!