Thursday, September 19, 2013


I came across a great little essay today, in that Life is Meals book I was telling you about. It was about how to be considered "a regular" at your favorite eateries. You'd think frequency would be the only criteria, but there's actually more to it than that. Here is what you must do, according to James and Kay Salter:
  • You don't have to show up every week. Three or four reasonably close visits are usually enough.
  • Loyalty is more important than frequency. If you travel to other cities and go to the same restaurant at least once each time, even if it is only twice a year, you often make the grade.
  • Spending money is infallible, either on the quantity and quality of what you order, how you tip, or, better, both.
  • Attitude can be even more important than money. Customers who are polite and patient, especially when something goes wrong, are held in high regard.
  • Owners, chefs, and waiters are devoted to clients who are enthusiasts, who love the food, the service, the ambiance -- the whole experience -- and don't hesitate to say so.

I'm thinking I just might qualify as a regular at Mima's. What do you think?

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