Woke up to a dilly of a storm this morning -- the kind where you find yourself wondering "Should I be bunkered down in the basement storeroom?" Trouble is, by the time you realize how bad it is, it's probably too late to be traversing our outdoor staircase that sits beneath a big oak tree whose branches could conk you on the head, not to mention the garden gnomes and such, which are flying hither and yon. This is the kind of night that really freaked me out when I was up here alone. It's not nearly so bad when you're snuggled up to someone who's saying "It's fine Beck, just go back to sleep", even if you know he'd probably say that no matter what was going on out there!
Our balcony furniture always rearranges itself when we get winds like these, but this is the first time it has completely knocked our glass tabletop off its base, and thrown it into the wooden bench. As far as I can tell, there's not a crack on it.
Woohoo! Let's hear it for shatterproof glass!
I got a very exciting package in the mail this week. It came all the way from the frigid north, and you'll never guess what was in it.
These! The wonderful bounty that resulted from the napkin swap that one of my 21 Secrets classmates organized! Now I have all sorts of gorgeous flowers, birds and bugs that I can cut out and collage into various art projects.
In the meantime, I finally finished adding doodles and whatnot to the first of those little envelope flowers I told you about.
Next up in Ro's Flower Power class? Creating cute flower embellishments using those trashed picnic plates that you used as paint pallets. Woohoo! Let's hear it for creative reuse!
Wow - what a storm - but also what a gorgeous supply of serviettes - and doing Ro's flowers is such fun isn't it!
I've loved all the classes I've done in 21 Secrets so far, and still have lots to go!
Those napkins look great all spread out like that! Glad you got them so quickly. BTW it was 30 C here today in the 'frigid north' LOL (that's 86 F).
Linda, I bet you're all doing a happy dance about that temperature, aren't you? We do it too, whenever it gets in the 80's here in the summer, but it's for the opposite reason -- we're celebrating whatever "cool front" blew in from the north and let it drop down that low!
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