Friday, May 31, 2013


Today is our 38th anniversary, and my hubby is neither out of the country on business, nor in the hospital (though it was touch and go for a while). It's a miracle!

He has had several nosebleeds lately, which is a bit unusual. Mostly he just gets them in the winter, when our heating systems dries the air out. We, however, had just come off of a couple of weeks of hot and muggy, with no A.C. and windows wide open. Go figure.

Hubby wasn't about to miss out on watching the well guys at work and, believe it or not, he actually encouraged the taking and posting of this photo.
He had three in a row yesterday morning, and just as the well guys were about to arrive to start pulling our pump, he got a gusher that just wouldn't quit, thanks to the blood thinner he is on.  Finally I ran him over to see our G.P. He decided that hubby had a blood vessel that needed to be cauterized, but which was too high up for him to handle there in his office, so he made an appointment for him to see an E.N.T. in San Marcos this morning. All fine in good, but what to do in the meantime?

A few hours later we had gone through a whole rag bag full of towels like these, and I feared he was ready to pass out from blood loss! Then, just as I was about to load him into the car and head for the E.R., miracle of miracles, the bleeding stopped. Sooooo, providing that all goes well with the E.N.T. in a couple of hours, it should be a very happy anniversary indeed!


musingegret said...

Congratulations to the both of you!It's still so wonderful to know of long-term, one-marriage unions that have lasted through the decades. Sure hope the appointment went well; y'all deserve to really celebrate this one. Have a wonderful anny weekend!

Hill Country Hippie said...

Thanks M.E.! Can you believe I had my first date with him when I was only 17? His trip to the E.N.T. was not fun, but it's over, and he seems to be doing fine. Hopefully it took care of the problem. Can't have him going out and about with kleenex stuffed up his nose all of the time!