Friday, March 1, 2013


Happy spring ever-buddy! Despite that coat of frost I spotted on my pickup this morning, spring is definitely upon us here in the Texas Hill Country. No bluebonnets or poppies in bloom yet, other than the ones you see in my new banner photos, but there have been many other signs. First it was the yellow, honey-scented blooms on all of the spiny agarita shrubs. Now it's the grape-Kool-aid-scented panicles on all of our Texas Mountain Laurels!

I've also heard many reports of daffodils in bloom, but all I've spotted so far are these three little clumps of greenery. Note to self: Plant more bulbs come winter!

The clumps of grasses that I trimmed way back in January are now sending up colorful new blades.

The sad news, however, is that it took three whole weeks for me to harvest enough asparagus for two good-sized portions, and now it's time to stop picking!

I read somewhere that if you want to continue having healthy harvests year after year, you shouldn't cut any spears at all the first two years, harvest for only three weeks the 3rd year, 4 the 4th, and so on. At some point you can quit counting, but I don't remember exactly when, and you must always leave some spears to go "ferny" towards the end of the season. Do I have the willpower to resist these slender beauties? Well, that remains to be seen.

I suppose this means it's time to get to work on my spring to-do list, and to get the rest of my veggies planted, huh? Spring slips into sizzlin' summer in the blink of an eye here in these parts, so I've got to make the most of every single moment!

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