Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Have you ever heard of a mash-up?  They do them all the time on that TV show Glee.  It's when you take two songs, and blend them into one.  Well, yesterday I orchestrated a blog mash-up, which should have been a fantastic photo op, but I totally blew it.

You see, I have this friend from back in our Bahraini days.  Nellie is a school nurse, and is very active in the fight to stamp out childhood obesity.  She's forever doing presentations or sitting on one panel or another, and yesterday it just happened to be one in San Marcos, so she called the day before to see if I wanted to meet up for coffee afterwards.

Nurse Nellie, back in the day.
Paula, me, and Nurse Nellie now.
Well, it just so happens that Tuesdays are Coffee-With-The-Muses days, and since NN has just recently discovered this blog Seasonality, and has been reading all about the Muses, and since they have been reading all about her over on Miss Becky Goes Abroad, I figured it was the perfect opportunity for a mash-up of the two blogs.

Our Coffee Corner
Oh my word, what a gab fest, and so much in common!  And, since one can never say all one has to say when a group of women is gathered, NN and I went from there to lunch, and gabbed some more!  But not once, in that entire time, did I think to pull out my camera -- not even when The Muses were telling her what a pain it was to be my friend, what with my constant photo-taking.  Doh!


Hill Country Hippie said...

Via e-mail:

Childhood obesity is something Head Start works on also. I personally go and visit with moms when we notice their Head Start child has gained too much weight during the year. I try really hard to get them to pick just one thing to change -- like the calories in juice and sodas. If they did that, their kids would lose weight. Of course, they tell me yes, and the next week we see them at MacDonalds and the kids have a huge soda. But I do know how hard it is to eat really good food and feed a family on just 50 dollars for the week. I have many times been given that much to help a family out, and I tell you, I do not buy the fresh, nutritious stuff I would like to buy. But,just watering down juice and cutting down on the sodas would actually save money. Many of the people fighting obesity are just not in the trenches like I am, and what looks good on paper does not actually work. Believe me I know. Also, you would not believe the kids that are labeled obese. They are not what any of us consider too heavy, but the standards are so strict! Still, there are too many obese kids. Among the under-privileged families I work with, practically none of the moms cook anymore, and the grandmothers are all dying out. Fast food and microwaved foods are the main culprits -- that and no exercise . Schools have cut back on recess and it's not safe to walk to school or play outside after school. Kids go home, play video games , eat junk food and watch tv. Sad, but i do not see any way to change it.

Hill Country Hippie said...

That last comment was not written by me -- it was sent to me via email, and I just copied it here.