A funny thing happened on the way to this blog post. I was just sittin' on the porch this morning, mulling over Mr. Glenn Beck. I was thinking about how, every time I see or hear him, an image of one of those old timey medicine show guys flashes into my head. I found myself wondering what exactly goes through his head, as he steps out onto a stage. Do you think that, as his eyes scan over the audience, he's thinking "I have so much admiration and respect for the people in this audience!"? Or, do you suppose he's thinking "What a bunch of gullible rubes! I know just which buttons to push, to get 'em all riled up. After that, they'll be eating outta my hand, and I can get them to do anything!"? I decided maybe I should post about this, and put the question to you. Then, I went to google images, to try and grab a picture of a snake oil salesman to add to the post. Know what I found while I was there? Lampoons of just about every major politician in the last quarter century, depicting them all as snake oil salesmen! So, what does that say about politicians in general?
P.S. Many thanks to freedominion.com.pa for the above image.
Hello Becky,
Had to comment on this one. I definitely think it's the latter. He's even admitted that he thinks it's all entertainment. So what does that say about those who take what he says as gospel?
Gullible rubes?
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