No, I haven't found a vine that grows soda pops, though it might be nice. Those are my tomato plants, and they are laden with fruit that is about to turn red. A friend told me that if I would hang little red cans on them right about now, the birds would mistake them for fruit and try to peck at them. After a few very frustrating tries they would give up and go elsewhere. I say why not? It's worth a try!
I got my first handful of beans off my newly decapitated bushes, despite the deer's best efforts. Not enough for a meal, so I guess I will freeze them until I get a few more. Any advice for someone who's never frozen fresh veggies before? Wash first? After? Is a freezer zip lock baggie OK?
My new esperanza or yellow bells or tecoma stans shrub is beginning to bloom. This particular variety is called "Sangria." Is it not gorgeous? How does one plant end up
with so many different names? Esperanza is my favorite. I love the way it rolls off one's tongue, and the fact that it is the Spanish word for hope.
Last but not least, I discovered at least a half dozen of these perfectly symmetrical black holes in one of my beds. That may not seem like good news to you, but the fact that they are all in one of the beds outside the Cantina garden, rather than inside, seems like pretty good news to me. Lets hope they stay that way.
Let me know how the cans work. I bought red ball ornaments last Christmas on sale after the holiday and plan to trick the birds this year with them.
So you've heard of this trick too? Good! I was afraid my friend might've been pulling a fast one on me, to make me look goofy.
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