Ever wonder what happens to those schoolyard bullies of your youth - the ones who use fear and intimidation to get you to fork over your lunch money? Apparently, they grow up to be lawyers.
We have three in our tiny Hill Country neighborhood, all involved in these lawsuits that have been lodged against our little P.O.A. and its leader. I had the misfortune to see them and a fourth in action yesterday, up close and personal, as we tried to mediate and defuse the situation - something we should have known would be a colossal waste of time, considering the amount of testosterone and the number of law degrees involved. Remember Glen Beck and his Old Timey Medicine Show? Well, this was the mother of all medicine shows -- a Battle-Of-The-Medicine-Shows take-down if you will. When we finally got out of there, after three or four hours of chest-bumping, bullying threats, weenie-wagging, fear tactics and posturing, I couldn't decide which bathroom fixture I was more in need of -- the shower, for washing away all that smarminess, or the commode, in which to vomit up my disgust?
Needless to say, we got nowhere. We residents - the stupid patsies who will end up emptying our pockets to pay for all this hubris - walked away practically in tears. (OK, I admit it. I did actually tear up more than once during the meeting.) The attorneys? They probably left feeling like this was even more fun than spending a morning on the golf course! Well, except maybe for the one who's actually being sued.
P.S. Many thanks to optimystiks.com for the above image.
I just **knew** that the meeting was gonna be super-distressful for you and such a waste of precious Life Time. How nauseating to observe the behaviors of swaggering bully-types who held, apparently, no intent to actually resolve the dispute. I still don't understand how you "patsies"----errm, residents are responsible for the cash needed for the suit. Did y'all vote to file a lawsuit? Did y'all vote to put a gate on someone else's land? I'm confused (and I bet the others are too!)
Thank you for continuing to share the story---this sure shows another side to idyllic Wimberley.
These type of proceedings, especially leading up to the main event, are all orchestrated by the lawyers to illicit maximum fear out of the clients. It's simply a game of theater mixed with chess for these guys. I've seen two lawyers call each other the scum of the earth in court and then meet up for a game of gold on the weekend.
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