Howdy Ya'll! Just got back from Houston. We had a rare opportunity when both kids would be available to hang with us this weekend, so we took advantage of it to begin surveying the contents of the townhouse, to see who wants what. We made a very sad discovery in the process. We're not near as hip as we thought. We've got old people furniture, and they don't want it! I'm absolutely crushed. Anybody need some lovely wicker wingback chairs or chaise longue from Indonesia (slightly gnawed around the edges)? If only we could use them on the porches. Unfortunately, they are not weatherproof, and our porches are not deep enough to protect them. Everything we've put out there so far is very much the worse for wear.
While in Houston, we got to go see where Austin's new apartment is located, though we couldn't get inside of it yet. Not only will he be within walking distance of all my old favorite hangouts, including a Saturday morning farmers' market, he'll also be within spittin' distance of the Belgian cafe we discovered a few weeks back. Since the kids had not yet been there, we decided to drop in for lunch after seeing his apartment. It did not disappoint! We feasted on Salade Nicoise, Mussels in Curry Sauce, a Flemish Beef Stew, a scoop of vanilla ice cream with that yummy Belgian chocolate sauce, and this amazing Crepe Normande, with caramelized apples baked right into the batter. I love it that each beer on tap is served in a different, specialized glass. Though they don't care much for our choice in furniture, the kids gave our choice of restaurant four thumbs up!
LOL! Glad you had a good time with the sypathies on having the "old people" furniture! I can totally relate!
OMGosh, I love wicker anything but, alas, no room for it! Every weekend I do a search on Craigslist for "Wicker" and then just drool at all the great deals. (I dream of running a warehouse full of used, shabby-chic wicker/rattan/woven rush furniture.)
Your only consolation right now is to believe wholeheartedly that in years to come the 'kids' will come to you and say, "Gee Mom, why didn't you force those pieces on me---they're so au courant/chic/the rage right now."
Trust me, it'll happen! ;-)
P.S. Apropos of drooling, I had to enlarge the pic of the mussels and then wipe off the keyboard. How was that Curry Sauce?
The sauce was so good that when we ran out of mussels, we just started dipping the "frites" in it. Tasty!
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