Monday, March 8, 2010


I have mixed feelings about the upcoming switch back to Daylight Saving Time. Right now, my internal clock is totally in sync with the way things are. I awaken naturally and easily around 5:30, fix a cup of tea and set my oatmeal to simmering, then have around 30 minutes to sit on the porch and noodle, let my mind drift and ponder, as I watch the gradual lightening of the sky and listen as the world comes to life around me. Every time we switch the clock, all that gets thrown out of whack for a while. On the other hand, it will be awfully nice to have a nightlife again!

I don't remember when my night vision suddenly went downhill, but it was a good while back. In the city, with well-lit, familiar streets, and a hubby to do some of the driving, it wasn't that big a deal. As long as I didn't have to merge into oncoming traffic - a mass of blurred haloes coming at me, with no indications as to their distance or speed - I was OK. It just meant John could no longer count on me being the eternal designated driver.

Driving at night in the Hill Country, however, is a whole 'nother ball of wax. There is no way to memorize all the twists and turns of these often foggy roads, and, to quote a friend from NYC who once visited, "It's too damn dark here! Where the heck are all the frickin' street lights?" The only time there is any light is when we have a full moon, but that just means the deer will be active all night long, and more likely to jump out in front of you.

Most of the time, I forget just how old I really am. My health is great, I'm not on any meds, and, except when I make the mistake of getting too close to a magnifying mirror, I feel pretty much the same as I did in my 30's and 40's. It is only when I have to turn down a dinner or party invite, because John won't be around to drive me home after dark, that I start to feel really, really, really old.

So, yeah...maybe having to readjust my internal clock isn't so bad after all. There's always naps to be had.

P.S. Many thanks to for the above image.

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