Thursday, December 24, 2009


I can't believe it. It's finally Christmas Eve. I guess some things never change. Just like when I was a kid, I still spend most of the month thinking "Will it never arrive? Isn't it time for the kids to be out of school yet, so we can start having some fun? Is John ever going to start his vacation, and get his butt to Wimberley, so we can get this party rolling?" Then all of a sudden, BAM! It's here! And then I'm all, like, "Whoa, hold on a minute! I'm not ready for it to be over with yet! Can't we please drag this out a wee bit longer?"

So, this is it. BAM! It's here! Which is why I was reaching over to jiggle John's shoulder in the wee hours before dawn, saying "Psssst! John! Wake up! It's Christmas Eve! We've got to make every minute count! You don't want to waste it away just sleeping, do you?" Apparently, he does. He just groaned, gathered the covers about him, and rolled to the far side of the bed, forming a cocoon as he went. Sheesh. What a waste!

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