"Are you going crazy from the boredom yet?" my city friends keep asking me. My reply? "HA! If you only knew." Yes, small town life can be tough - when you can choose only one activity from amongst the 10 or 15 options that are spread out over the Hill Country and Austin, on any given weekend!
For instance, this past weekend we had to forgo the Funky Chicken Coop Tour in Austin, in order to attend the annual Wimberley Pie Social - a first for us. "What on earth is a pie social?" you city-slickers are asking. Well, it's munching on hot dogs and listening to local musicians. It's entering your best pie in the judging (Outdoor Woman Muse won 2nd place!), and having a chance to sample that of your neighbor. It's visiting with the local herb guru, and watching an old-fashioned blacksmith at work. It's taking tours of the historic Winters-Wimberley House, and buying raffle tickets. It's seeing beautiful quilts, vintage aprons and assorted crafts. But, most of all, it's being part of a community. Would I trade any of this for being able to hang out at the mall? Not on your life!
Can I be a pie tasting judge next year?????
I was wondering how you get that job myself!
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