It is astounding how quickly a pet can take over/alter one's life. Take our son's dog Guinness, for instance. The minute she came into his life, he magically transformed from carefree college kid into responsible, loving parent. He is due to graduate in May, and has been attending job fairs and going on interviews. One reason he took a minor in German is that he has always loved traveling to foreign lands, and he hoped this might help him land a job that involved some time overseas. After we met Guinness and started falling in love with her, we began to tease about inheriting her some day, when he moves abroad. At first he just laughed at the idea, but not anymore! He's already eliminated several job prospects - jobs that he would have jumped at not long ago - simply because they involved too much time on the road, and what would he do with Guinness? When we reminded him that we would be happy to take over, he cried "No Way! She'd die of a broken heart if I left her!" She's not the only one, I suspect.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
It is astounding how quickly a pet can take over/alter one's life. Take our son's dog Guinness, for instance. The minute she came into his life, he magically transformed from carefree college kid into responsible, loving parent. He is due to graduate in May, and has been attending job fairs and going on interviews. One reason he took a minor in German is that he has always loved traveling to foreign lands, and he hoped this might help him land a job that involved some time overseas. After we met Guinness and started falling in love with her, we began to tease about inheriting her some day, when he moves abroad. At first he just laughed at the idea, but not anymore! He's already eliminated several job prospects - jobs that he would have jumped at not long ago - simply because they involved too much time on the road, and what would he do with Guinness? When we reminded him that we would be happy to take over, he cried "No Way! She'd die of a broken heart if I left her!" She's not the only one, I suspect.
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I love her too!
Yeah, I could tell you were succumbing to her charms when she crawled up onto the sofa next to you and plopped her head in your lap.
Becky, I got SIMPLE ABUNDANCE and wonderful soaps yesterday. Thank you so much! I flipped through the book (not too much - I plan to go through it day-by-day in the new year), of course checking out the entry for yesterday. I'd forgotten what a wonderful writer Sarah is, and how much I loved this book when it first came out! And the soaps are amazing. I plan to order more from the So.A.P. when these are gone. Or can I order them from Bountiful Sprout?
Order them directly from South Austin People if you can. You'd have to pay the joining fee to order from The Bountiful Sprout, and be able to pick them up in Wimberley. That would make for some expensive soap, since you don't live nearby! So glad you like the goodies.
Guinness is a gorgeous pup.
Rescued from a shelter - the very best kind! The only thing we know for sure is that she has a black tongue, which means she has a bit of Chow in her somewhere.
My dog Annie is really struggling today. It made me think of your blog about Guiness. Geoff and I were trucking through the snow at 5:45am this morning with a dog we thought was dying. Literally. Luckily, she only has idiopathic vestibular disease, which is supposed to spontaneously remit. However, it is one of the most awful syndromes to watch. Give Guiness extra pets for me and I'll give Annie extra love from Guiness.
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