Here's my latest to do list (click to enlarge), and I have one thing to add to yours: Don't forget to leave a comment before Sunday evening, if you wish to be included in this month's drawing. You can enter up to once a day, and it doesn't matter if you have won before. This month I am throwing in a little something special from a local producer, in addition to a wonderful book.
I love your picture of the smoker. That used to be a Thanksgiving tradition with my family. My Dad and brothers would stay up all night, to keep the smoker going and do a little male bonding in the process. Dad has been gone 15 years now and my brother has that old smoker - a big green egg like yours. Wonder if he ever uses it?
Hope your Thanksgiving was happy and relatively calm. Ours was nice and quiet this year, just my husband and younger son. Older one is stationed in North Carolina and couldn't make it down here. He got back from Iraq 3 weeks ago, so that's number one on my *Thankful For* list this year. He'll be home for Christmas.
What a wonderful Christmas present Polly! I was really worried when we first moved to Indonesia years ago. I had never experienced a holiday without my big, raucous family around. Turns out small and quiet can be very nice too, in it's own special way.
The Big Green Egg is new to us. I didn't realize it had been around for that long. It worked great though, and managed to stay at the right temp the entire time without them ever having to add wood or anything. Amazing!
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