Sunday, January 16, 2011


Fall in the Cantina Garden was pretty much a total bust. The few lettuces I planted from 4" pots did ok, there just weren't enough of them. The ones I planted from seed came up right on time, got to thinning size just fine, and then just sorta pooped out on me. They're still alive, they just never got to eatin' size. Not sure if it was all the dips down into the 20's, or if it's because that bed closest to the house just doesn't get enough sun in the winter. Too bad, if that's the case, seeing as how it's the only bed the deer don't usually mess with! They tromped all over my beets and carrots in the middle bed, as they leaned down to pop each of my Chinese cabbages out of the front bed, then they used the strawberry patch as a runway for take-off when I caught them in the act and bellowed "You woodchucks quit chuckin' my wood!"

So, for all the time, effort and money I invested this season, what did I get? One dinner salad, a scrawny leek to go in my mac & cheese last night, and the possibility of a few shallots and some asparagus come spring. What am I going to do about it? Try, try again!


david said...

pretty much same results here...we got 3 bunches of kale...our hens tell us it was to solve that issue..

d.a. said...

What about making some chicken-wire covers for the productive beds ala Square Foot Gardening?

Marie A. said...

I know the feeling! We had a heat wave when I first planted my lettuces, they bolted immediately and I didn't get anything from them. Then the weather got rather on the cold side, so the growth slowed down. The carrots I planted from seed only got an inch long by the time we hit frost. The cabbages were eaten by pests and the broccoli only got tiny florets. Not the best experience for my first fall garden, but try try again!