Monday, January 17, 2011


Ya know that thing for color I'm always yammering about? I should probably clarify that. Just pulling a few objects together in coordinating colors doesn't really do it for me. For one thing, whenever I try to do it on purpose, it usually ends up way too matchy-matchy. No, what really quivers my liver is when it happens by chance. Like the other day when I went for a haircut on a really grey, frigid day, and found their normally green nandina shrubs had taken on the most amazing blaze of winter color. It ran the gamut from soft peachy golds and ambers, through all shades of coral and terra cotta, with some brick red and burgundy thrown in for good measure. What really caused my breath to catch though, was the fact that when they repainted the salon a while back, they had chosen unusual shades of amber and brick that now echoed perfectly the colors in those shrubs. Perfectly!

Then there's my little tin butterfly. Buffalo Woman brought these back to the Muses from one of her journeys, and I just propped it up on a bookshelf temporarily until I could decide how best to use it. Just by chance, however, it turned out to be the perfect spot for it, 'cause every time I round the corner to grab a cookbook off the shelf below it, something about the way the wing colors look against that old McCoy flowerpot causes an honest-to-goodness physical reaction in me -- caught breath, quickened pulse, fluttery feeling deep in my gut...crazy, I know, but there you have it!

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