Monday, January 25, 2010


In her magazine, Mary Jane's Farm, Mary Jane Butters always has a 2-page spread called Mary Jane's Seven Wonders: A Few Tips For A Simple Life. This month's topic is "tapping into one's own brilliance." Her secret recipe? "Take a cup of curiosity, add a pinch of pampering, simmer to satisfaction, and then savor the inspiration that springs to life."

She lists seven simple things we all can do, to tap into our inner wellsprings. As I worked my way down the list, it occurred to me that these are all things that I have slowly been incorporating into my life over the last ten or fifteen years - the exact same period of time, as it happens, in which I finally came to believe that I just might have some creativity lurking inside me after all. Coincidence? I think not!

So, since there just happens to be seven days in a week, I thought we might as well try one of her steps each day this week. Care to tap into your inner brilliance? All you have to do is join me, one tiny step at a time.

Step One: Take a walk outdoors.

According to Mary Jane, "A few minutes of peace under the wide-open sky is a perfect way to shake off the stresses that cloud creativity. The rhythmic sounds of your footsteps and breath will lull you into a more thoughtful state of mind, allowing you to focus on finding your purpose." For me, anything mindless and repetitive, whether it be walking, driving, or mopping a floor, seems to automatically switch me over into right-brain mode, and great ideas just pop into my head. That's why I never minded my long commute to work in Houston (as long as we were at least moving!). Walking, though, is definitely the best. Now, you may be thinking, "Sure, that's easy for her to say, with all that great scenery around her, but what about me?" Well, to tell you the truth, even gorgeous views can get stale, if you follow the same path every single day, day after day. That's why I like to shake it up a bit. I get just as much, if not more, out of walking the aisles of a farmers' market, thrift store, or garden center, a beach, a different neighborhood, an ethnic part of town, or the deserted streets of downtown Austin, early in the morning when things are just waking up. It doesn't matter where you walk, as long as you do it!

Are you ready? Well, come on then. Let's go!


Linda Hoye said...

Excellent post! For me, repetitive tasks put me into right brain mode as well. Quilting, knitting, some tasks at work, and walking. I work in a corporate office, but when I go upstairs multiple times a day to refill my water bottle I take a few laps around the building. It does shift my mind, and I often come up with new ideas.

Hill Country Hippie said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to add knitting! Perfect for unlocking the door to creative thinking.