Hubby and I seem to take turns having really bad days, where it feels like maybe humanity isn't worth saving, usually as a result of spending too much time on Facebook! But, there are lots of good things to be found there as well, so though I sometimes have to avoid it for a period, I haven't given it up completely. For one thing, that's where author friend Katherine Center, whom I met at Lucky Star Art Camp, started sharing her "Three Good Things" posts. She believes that no matter how bad things get, if you look hard enough you can almost always find at least three good things in your life. And, if you seek out and focus on those things, you will start to feel better. So I started looking, and of course, found a whole lot more than just three!
Yes, I was kind of sad about not being able to go out for a nice Mother's Day brunch, but then this gorgeous, color-mad assortment of Harney & Sons teas, complete with honey straws, showed up on my doorstep, thanks to dear Austin and Areej. Know what else showed up there? Alexis! She didn't come in, but we got to talk through the door. Plus, she left me with some wonderful books...
and a piece of artwork our little Calvin made for me.
And yes, it was pretty sad that Calvin couldn't have a traditional birthday party to celebrate turning four, but he got at least three porch visits from family dropping off gifts, and got to make his very own birthday cake and do lots of other fun stuff his folks had planned for him, and he told them several times that he really liked no-people-birthday-parties! I'm thinking we may have yet another introvert in the family.
We are still sending pen pal letters back and forth, and based on his reactions to the two Transformer cards I sent him...
I decided to let Optimus and Bumblebee go stay at his house until quarantine is over, and he can start visiting Mimi's and Papa's toys again.
As I suspected, he was more excited about this than his actual gifts!
Although we really miss our Friday Date Days, with lunch out and a movie, we have discovered several very bingeable TV series, including one called Bosch that had lots of seasons. Add a little popcorn and Junior Mints, and you've got a pretty darned good Date Day!
Artwise, I had a fun new monthly lesson from Lucy Brydon show up in my mailbox. This one was all about glazing with water colors -- or how to overlap sheer layers of paint so that one shows through the other.
Since not one of the many puzzles Hubby ordered online back in early April had ever shown up, we decided to get back in touch with our new favorite independent bookstore, Patchouli Joe's, up in Leander. Within a few days, this Gustav Klimt puzzle was on our doorstep.
I thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Turns out, it was also the most difficult! It had us so obsessed we couldn't do anything else -- until we got to the point where there was nothing but about 500 tiny identical white pieces left.
When we realized we just weren't having fun anymore, we gave ourselves permission to pack it up and move on. So now, we're working on this!
And then there was this sunset, every bit as brilliant as the color-mad puzzle above.
So, yeah. Seek and ye shall find -- possibly a whole lot more than you expected.