Then I realized that they couldn't be reached with our indoor step stool. Nooo, you have to haul in that big fella, from out in the garage. Which, as it turns out, means that you go so long without ever opening those cabinets, you can totally forget what's up there! I did remember that there was one big red crate up there, which meant it probably held something Christmasy. Lights maybe? Or garland? No! Something much, much better.
I found this guy...
and all of his little friends! When our kids were young, and we lived in houses with indoor staircases, they took great pleasure in arranging them, one on each step. But, with our only staircase being outside at this house, I had to settle for grouping them on my grandmother's cedar chest.
Which works out pretty well, since Hubby has been much better lately about not tossing his belongings there at the end of each day.
Know what else I found in that cabinet? I found these lovely little candle rings which go on my dining room chandelier...
this wonderful basket which hangs on my front door, instead of a wreath...
and all of the festive florals and greenery I used to rotate in and out of it, according to the season!
You have no idea the angst I felt, when I thought all of these cherished things had been lost in the last move or tossed out. But now, all is right with the world!
Happy Holidays, Y'all!