He should have been pretty grumpy himself, seeing as we were told we'd have a 45 minute wait to get a table at Wimberley Cafe. But, when I took him exploring around the square, we discovered a brand new candy store -- one with blueberry lollipops, his favorite! He was still only halfway through it when he finally got his grilled cheese sandwich.
From there we headed to the big Methodist church on the edge of town, which hosts a tiny little pumpkin patch each year. No big bouncy houses or slides, but just right for a little explorer who's not too crazy about crowds and noise.
He found a big pumpkin for him and Dada to carve, and a little tiny pumpkin that ought to be just about right for his baby sister Rowan.
Plus there were some fun games, just right for someone his size.
All in all, I'd say it was the perfect pumpkin patch adventure!