Friday, February 8, 2019


I ordered something for Calvin months ago, and have been saving it for his third birthday in May, when he is "officially" the proper age for it.

Explorer Outfits For Calvin And His Wonder Crew Buddy Will
However, he's been mentioning "exploring" and "going on adventures" a lot lately, when we go on our long walks together. And, with all the morning-sickness-chaos going on in his life recently, I decided maybe the time for this gift was right now.

First we went out onto the balcony porch to look for "am-i-nals" with our binoculars.

Then we went out back to see if we could catch a butterfly in his net or find anything to put in his specimen jar with the built in magnifier.

Alas, no butterflies were to be found. Nevertheless, he was happy as a lark just filling his jar with leaves and rocks.

He got so into it, in fact, that I'm thinking it must be time to pull out my Sharon Lovejoy grandma book, which I bought back when my first child got married, and there was finally hope that I might someday be a grandma myself.

We've already got her Outdoor Tea Parties and Backyard Explorer Kit ideas in the bag! Perhaps it's time to try this...

or this...

or this!

What's something fun and magical that you remember doing with a grandparent or grandchild? Please share!

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