Tuesday, September 4, 2018


First I spotted this out my desk window, just a couple of days ago...

two little foxes cavorting around our almost empty water tank.  Unfortunately, I could never catch them together in the same photo.

And then, this morning? Rain, glorious rain! Filling up that tank and, hopefully, our bone dry creek.

Do you see our little yoga fox? Every  time Calvin passes her, he pats her on the head and says "Hehwo Fox!"
A perfect day to stay inside, enjoying the steady pitter patter of raindrops on our metal roof , while working on my next "folk art" journal page, wouldn't you agree?

We are not catholic, but we do love our trips down to San Miguel de Allende, where La Virgen de Guadalupe is the Mexican queen -- the mother of the hungry, ill, unemployed, and everyone from singers and soccer players to politicians and taxi drivers. I loved seeing her image everywhere we went, because each one was unique to the artist who created it. Mine will be a conglomeration of them all!

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