Yesterday the Muses gathered at Outdoor Woman's house for lunch and a fun art project -- something we have been talking about for nigh on a year now, but just couldn't seem to pull off. It all started when two of the Muses took a wonderful workshop with local mixed-media artist
Nina Mihm, and had so much fun they couldn't wait to do something similar again with the rest of us.
Lunch included these beauties, made with fresh eggs plucked straight from Outdoor Woman's own chicken coop!
We were told the only thing we needed to bring was a stash of papers or some magazines we could tear up to use in collage. It was so interesting to me to realize that each "stash" was a reflection of our individual personalities. Mine, of course, was a color-mad collection of my favorite hand-painted papers.
Next we were given a piece of poster board and told to get gluing! O.W. kept telling us not to spend too much time stressing over placement or composition, since that wouldn't matter when we moved on to the next step. Of course, we didn't really believe her.
Can you guess which one is mine? |
But of course! |
We discovered
why that was a total waste of time when she made us flip them over and
cut them up. Well, not a total waste, when you consider how soothing it is to just cut and paste -- kinda like being in kindergarten again -- and all the great conversation we shared in the process!
Then we flipped all the newly-by-accident-formed pieces of art back over, and each tried to decide which was our most "artful" composition.
From Spirit Woman, who is all about connecting to nature. |
From Outdoor Woman, who is all about travel, history and exploration. |
From Fiber Woman, whose art projects come to her in dreams. |
Not sure what exactly I will end up doing with these eight little color-mad jewels, but I'm certain they will find their way into one of my art journal projects eventually!
It was the
best of days!