Though I was born and raised in Texas, I'd only been to Round Top once ere now, and that was
not during the infamous
Antiques Week. What a pity. If only I'd discovered it years and years ago, when each house we moved into was a bit bigger than the last, and needed a bit more stuff to fill it up! Why now, when we've gone back to one not much larger than our first, and divested ourselves of box after box of green depression glass, majolica, white ironstone, gold and white china, crystal, and antique music and doll collections? My friend Outdoor Woman goes twice a year, every year. This year, she finally convinced me and two other Muses to accompany her.
Warm-Up Stretching Before We Hit The Ground Running |
We began our day at Marburger Farms, where you find the more upscale, artsy vendors. Our first stop was at
Skip 2 My Lou -- Outdoor Woman's favorite creator of unique jewelry, assembled from all sorts of vintage bits and bobs.
The merchandising in some of these booths just blew me away.
Daughter Lex and niece Megan would have loved this one...
an entire booth devoted to mid-century cocktail paraphanalia!
At Marburger, you have a mix of cute little historic buildings and long, elegant tents with walls, with most everything under cover except for the short dashes from one tent or building to the next.
Outdoor Woman warned us that the food here was just so-so, but priced more like Ooh-la-la. She suggested that we bring along some snackies for when our energy starts to flag, and save our appetites for Mexican food and Margueritas in La Grange, on our way home that afternoon. Sounds like a plan! So, after a brief rest stop under the trees, we headed over to the wee town of Warrenton, where the booths were more open-air, and where the merchandise wasn't nearly as elegant, but was way more afordable. It reminded me a lot of the things you might find here at Wimberley Market Days.
All-in-all, I'm pretty much convinced that, no matter what you are searching for, you're sure to find somewhere here at Antique Week -- if'n you've got the stamina and determination!
Need some antlers? They've got a whole tent-full!
Need a grassy glider? You got it!
Come to think of it, each of us found just what she was looking for. Outdoor Woman found a wrought-iron chandelier on which to hang her hubby's ever-growing collection of hats; Fiber Woman found some yarn to use in one of her projects; and Spirit Woman found lots of fodder for her amazing photographs.
Me? I found
precisely what I needed -- absolutely
nothing! Well, other than a zillion steps clocked on my Fitbit, a fabulously fun day hanging with my tribe, and tons of color-mad eye candy, some of which I will share with you on Monday. Does it get any better than that?