Thursday, February 2, 2012


I've had a very rough week. Last Saturday we had to go to a property owners association meeting.  They suck. Because I dreaded going, I spent way too long on the computer, then had to rush around like crazy to get ready, so I left some stuff out on the counter. That evening, when I was getting ready for bed, I reached for my towel and it wasn't there. "Um, John? Did you do something with my towel?" "Haven't touched it." I looked all around, in the hamper and everywhere else, and finally found it folded back up and on the shelf with all the clean towels.  Well, there's no friggin' way I would fold up a dirty towel and put it back with the clean ones, but if I didn't do it, and John swears he didn't, how did it get there?
A little while later, when I was ready to take my contacts out, I reached for my glasses case, but it wasn't on the counter where I had left it that morning. I looked all around, and finally found it mixed in on a shelf full of John's stuff. Then I opened the medicine cabinet and discovered that all the stuff I had left on the counter was now in the cabinet, but none of it was where I usually keep it. "Um, John? Did you clear off the bathroom counter for me, and put all my stuff away?" "Becky, I haven't touched any of your stuff!"

I spent the next few hours stewing over what could have happened. Could I have put things away in a hurry, and just crammed them wherever? No way! Could someone have broken in and taken a shower here, and used my makeup? Highly unlikely. Finally I gathered my nerve and approached John again. "Sweetheart, is it possible you could have had a blackout or something, and just don't remember doing any of this?" "Beck, when could I have done it? We were together almost all day!" That was true, but I could think of no other explanation.

I've been watching him like a hawk ever since.  I'm sure he knew I was watching him, and I'm sure he  resented it, but I couldn't help it. I was just so darn scared that he'd already had another stroke. I confessed my fears to the Muses when we met for coffee this morning, and later, when one of my sisters sent out an email to both me and Lex, asking us if we were interested in doing a mother/daughter getaway to Salado this spring, I said I'd have to wait and see how John was doing. I told them about the strange incidents that had occurred, and my resulting fears. A few seconds later my phone rang. "Uh, Mom? I guess I forgot to tell you that I came by on Saturday to take some photos of your bathroom remodel, and ended up moving a few things around." That girl is in such deep doo doo. If I wasn't so dang relieved and elated, I'd probably wring her pretty little neck!


david said...

Pretty sure they make paranoia meds.

Hill Country Hippie said...

I'll check with my doc!

Linda Hoye said...

Lol! I wondered how this was going to end!